Newsroom to Classroom visits
Invite a journalist to share their expertise and experience with your students

Meeting the journalists behind the headlines and bylines is a powerful news literacy learning experience for students.
Take advantage of your Checkology account to connect with editors, reporters and other news media professionals.
More than 150 journalist volunteers listed in our directory are ready and eager to meet with your students in person or virtually. These visits are an opportunity for students to get news literacy instruction straight from the experts on dozens of topics, including misinformation, social media issues, the watchdog role of the press, the standards of quality journalism, the First Amendment and more.
And, did we mention, it’s free?
About journalist visits

Here's how educators have used the Newsroom to Classroom program:
How do I schedule a visit?
Checkology makes it easy for educators to request a visit from a Checkology journalist volunteer.
Register for a free Checkology educator account. (Or log in to your existing account.)
Explore the directory in the “Journalist Visits” tab. Search or filter results by area of expertise, languages spoken and location to find the right journalist for your classroom.
After you find a journalist, click the “invite” button on their Checkology profile to fill out a visit request form.
How do I prepare for a visit?
Journalist visits are interactive and conversational news literacy lessons. We encourage you to work directly with journalist volunteers on the learning objective and key concepts for the visit.
The best way to ensure a successful visit that meets your learning objective for the day is to do some pre-visit planning with the journalist volunteer. Be sure to let the journalist know what news literacy topics your class is learning about and if your students will have completed any Checkology lessons in advance of the visit.
Preview the Journalist visit planning sheet.

“The opportunities to meet with journalists are awesome.”
Patricia Meegan, teacher, 8th Grade Humanities
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