Independent and collaborative learning
Checkology offers a dynamic and relevant news literacy curriculum that includes 13 interactive lessons, one of which is also available in Spanish. Lessons and exercises are organized into four distinct news literacy topics and skill sets—filtering news and information, exercising civic freedoms, navigating the information landscape and learning how to know what to believe. The curriculum includes lessons requested by educators, enhanced interactivity and design, and game-like exercises where students can practice their skills. Teachers can customize and sequence lessons based on classroom objectives. Checkology encourages both independent and collaborative learning and allows students to progress at their own pace.
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*Available in Spanish -
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- Everyone
- Education
- Everyone
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- Everyone
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Lessons closely align with educational standards
Practice, extend and fact-check
There are dozens of supplemental activities on Checkology. Check out a few of them below.
MisinfoQuest: Weather
InfoZones: Immigration
Evaluating evidence online
Know Your Rights: What Freedoms Does the First Amendment Protect?

Game-like activities that provide extra practice on lesson content.

Quizzes that extend and expand on concepts and skills introduced in lessons.

The Check Center
A series of tools designed to build skills and habits of mind to detect and debunk misinformation.

Journalist Visits
A Newsroom to Classroom Connection, either in person or virtually, with one of NLP's journalist volunteers, arranged by educators through our online directory.

Supplemental content, student creation tools, assessment links, transcripts and more for both teachers and students.