Checkology lessons are
Essential life skills
News literacy students develop essential life skills that cut across subject areas. That’s why our Checkology lessons are aligned to national standards in English Language Arts, library and media studies, social studies, science and technology.

National standards alignments
Did you know?
The News Literacy Project developed the Framework for Teaching News Literacy, which includes news literacy standards, essential questions and knowledge/skills objectives, along with suggested performance tasks and learning activities. Our framework can be used for integrating news literacy into existing curriculum or as the basis for creating stand-alone courses or units.
“I love the ability to choose the topics and sequence that best align with the standards I am teaching. The quality of the content is top notch and students are always engaged in the NLP lessons.”
Kim Gugino, teacher-librarian, 6-12 media and technology
Checkology lesson alignments
All lessons are taught by a diverse group of subject matter experts and follow best practices in multimodal teaching and learning.

View standards alignments by lesson
Educators can view standards alignments by simply selecting the image of the lesson below to see the connected national standards. This view is helpful for implementation planning, curriculum mapping and grade level and discipline discussions.